Mining Logic Solutions


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Emergency Management Software for Mines

190 Evan Street,
Queensland 4740,
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Mining Logic Solutions (MLS) is a world leader in developing first-class safety, real-time risk management and emergency management software technology.

Risk management and mine emergency management software

MLS is proud to present two world-first software products in the field of real-time risk management (NEXSYS) and mine emergency management system software (MEMS2).

NEXSYS is a first-to-market solution that allows mine management teams to confidentially take control over their mines for the first time.

Real-time risk management for underground coal mines

Underground coal mines are notoriously high-risk environments and difficult to monitor. NEXSYS allows mine management teams to confidentially take control of their mines for the first time and uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure the right people have the right information available to them in the right timeframe. This allows decision makers to make informed judgements using information gathered from the entire mine.

Mining Logic Solutions provide real-time risk management and emergency management software to the mining industry.
Our state-of-the-art technology ensures the right people have the right information available to them in the right timeframe.
MLS' NEXSYS has been designed to ensure that safe mining conditions prevail in your mine at all times.
MEMS ensures that all vital management and information functions are carried out so that incidents are dealt with in the most effective manner.

Risk management systems for mines

NEXSYS has been designed to ensure that safe mining conditions prevail in your mine at all times. It does this by combining three keys features: data integration, a four-dimensional rules engine, and an anomaly detection module (ADM).

Data integration involves combining together every piece of data brought to the surface with all other company files. The information is gathered in one database and uniformly formatted so that all that information is available to be used.

The four-dimensional rules enginetakes any three variables from the gathered information, plus time, to continuously ensure that the prevailing mining conditions are safe. These rules are based on the site’s PHMPs, TARPs and any other rules that are specifically created for that mine site.

The anomaly detection module (ADM) provides predictive and preventative capabilities to ensure that potentially catastrophic events are averted before they happen. The ADM also eliminates costly and annoying false alarms.

These three key features combine to create a product that greatly improves monitoring, communications and decision support, as well as the overall safety of people, assets and the environment. The NEXSYS real-time risk management system has been designed to adapt to all types on mining conditions.

Mine emergency management system software

The MEMS2 product has been developed in partnership with The Queensland Mines Rescue Service, a state government legislated body that is dedicated to providing a leading-edge emergency response capability to the coal industry.

The Queensland Mines Rescue Service, in consultation with the coal industry, have developed the paper-based mine emergency management system (MEMS) as a mine-specific system for the management of emergency situations.

The application of MEMS ensures that all vital management and information functions are carried out so that the incident is dealt with in the most effective manner. A mine site needs to establish or adapt the MEMS to suit its particular needs based on the following:

  • One controller
  • Functional delegation – control, operations, planning and logistics
  • Management by objectives
  • Span of control
  • Incident action planning

Decision support for mine emergency software

The MEMS*2 is a decision support tool that has built-in screens which align with the functional delegation. This is so that each team can input information within their own area and can be read by the other teams. This leads to improved communication effectiveness and closes the loop in the communication model.

The MEMS*2 product can be sold as a standalone manual system or can be incorporated into NEXSYS. When incorporated it will be an automated package with information coming directly into the program for NEXSYS.

Press Releases

  • Enhanced Mine Emergency System to Hit Market

    Queensland Mines Rescue Service (QMRS) has awarded Mining Logic Solutions (MLS) the exclusive distribution rights for the jointly developed Mine Emergency Management System (MEMS*2) software which builds on the Nexsys real-time risk management system. QMRS state manager, Wayne Hartley,

190 Evan Street
Queensland 4740

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